
posted in: Technical Insights

Did you know treadmills are used for more than just a good cardio workout? Well, treadmills are used in various healthcare facilities such as hospitals, physiotherapy clinics, and so much more. Here at TRH services, we provide proper care to these treadmills in preventative maintenance, repairs, and calibration areas.

Treadmills are mainly used in a hospital in conjunction with an ECG to create a specific test called a stress test. A stress test monitors a patient’s heart during the toughest of situations, such as a cardio workout. An ECG cable is connected to the patient through electrodes; the patient is then asked to walk or run on the treadmill at different levels. The electrodes will then pick up the electrical activity pumping the heart to detect anything from arrhythmias to heart disease that can only be detected in stressful situations for the heart. The treadmill at different levels creates stressful environments for the heart.

In physiotherapy clinics, treadmills are used in various ways to help with rehabilitation. Patients can relearn balance, weight control and even correct their gait. Physiotherapists will assist the patients with many different exercises to help with the rehab so it does not cause further pain or injury.

These can only be done if a treadmill is taken care of properly. At TRH services, our preventative maintenance service goes as follows,

Step 1: We take the main panel off the front of the treadmill to get a view of the motor and controls for the treadmill. We then vacuum out the dust that can easily be collected in this area.

Step 2: Electrical safety tests are completed. This is extremely important, so it does not cause harm to the user or the treadmill itself.

Step 3. Once electrical safety is completed, a performance test is done. The electrical safety inspection is done by testing the speed, traction, elevation, timer, keypad, Etc.

Step 4: While completing the performance test, we inspect the running belt and lubricate the running deck. There are two types of lubrication for a running deck which include a silicone or wax-based lubricant. These cannot be interchanged as they can cause severe damage to the belt and the deck. At this time, we will also realign the belt to ensure it is in its proper position.

All of these steps are important to ensure the longevity and proper function of the treadmill, and here at TRH services, we can perform these services on many different makes and models of treadmills. 

Written by: Erika Colombe
Edited by: Tyler Hasenpflug CET